
Showing posts from 2010

When Did It Become Okay...

It's Saturday and I am home alone with the Marty & Milo.  I started to think about this on my way to get my chicken rice bowl I called in to Island Rumbi Grill.  When did it start for me that it was okay not to have plans on a Saturday night.  I didn't always be this way.  I remember high school and if I didn't have plans for both Friday and Saturday night, I was devastated.  Than as I came into my freshman and sophomore year of college, I think I started to look forward to the nights when I didn't have anything to do. So when did it start?  I don't know the exact date, time or place, but as I sit here I have realized that it has been okay for awhile.  Even before marrying James, I was content to be home on a weekend night.  Now don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times it was depressing that I wasn't out and about being a social butterfly or on a date.  I sometimes would even be embarrassed to be out getting a meal for one.  I ...

Summer Fun

I can't believe the summer has flown by.  The mornings are now cooler and I have beginning to see the leaves change. And the most important sign that summer is on the way out.. BACK TO SCHOOL! James has restarted school at SLCC and is taking on being a full time student and full time employee.  I was reminded on Saturday about my Back to School days, especially the college ones.  Saturday I took a drive up to Logan to watch the USU vs ISU football game.  (I was lucky enough James was able to get me into the game)  As I drove through the town, I was amazed at the changes Logan has gone through (now there are 2 Walmarts, an Island Rumbi Grill, and a Marriott).. but my still stomping ground is there.  I was reminded of all the turkey dinners I got on Saturday night from Juniper take-out as I headed up for the night shift as the USU Operator, the apartments I lived in my last 3 years, and the fun I had and all the amazing people I meet up there. Side Note *...

Horrible Blogger

I can' t believe how long it has been since I have blogged or even looked at my friends blogs.  Usually I keep up with my friends lives on facebook.  How sad is that.. but hey at least I know they are still alive and doing well.  But as I have been reading other blogs, there is so much more I am learning about them and the fun they have been having this summer. As for me, I am trying to still decide if I want to keep up the double (well triple) blog life.  I haven't even updated the "family" blog since I think May...And as for my "future company" blog, yeah never even posted on it.  I swear when I created both the family blog and company blog, I had a vision and that vision included time to be able to post consistently.  But alas, I haven't been able to keep up.  There always seems to be some other important thing to do or one more household chore.  I have only recently started finding the time to read...and I enjoy reading. As for now, I will con...

Get Motivated

Yesterday I attended the GET MOTIVATED seminar at the ESA.  There were some great points that were brought up and things that I think everyone can take away.  The question is what will you do and what will you let go on the back burner.  Although a lot of the investing/savings/having 7 sources of income, are far from my current reach on my current income and time, but it all made a lot of sense.  I really enjoyed what Collin Powell, John Walsh, Mitt Romney and Tamera Lowe had to say.  All the speakers gave all the same general points: being a leader, how to become a leader, finding your motivation and defining your own success. Somethings I learned: 1. It only takes one - John Walsh (I teared up at his talk, he talked about his son Adam) 2. The grass can be greener on your own side of the fence, but it is up to you. - Mitt Romney 3. Finding your own Motivational DNA - Tamara Lowe 4. You need to be in the game to win - J. Smith 5. Read things you l...

New Job

As the post suggests, there has been a change in jobs.  Starting May 23rd, James will be working at KSL.  He is very excited and looking forward to the change and the opportunities that this presents.  I have also received a new job in the church.  I am now the primary secretary.  Hopefully I will learn from this new opportunity and get to know the people in our ward. Otherwise, things are business as usual.  With James new job he will be home a for more nights a week, which means that I will be cooking more than 2 nights a week... So if anyone has any good recipes or ideas for meals, I am all ears! Until next time!

New Calling

So if you haven't been able to talk to me to find out what my new calling is... I am officially the Primary Secretary.  Yeah I know.. Pretty sweet. Lots of people have said that this is the best calling, so that is what I am banking on.  Plus the primary has about 18 kids total. So I think I will be able to learn names pretty easily.  Today is my first official day being the secretary (with me being gone last week) so I am crossing my fingers that I won't mess up to bad and all.  Sorry so short, but time is a ticking for me to get to church.  Love ya!

Change is good, right?

As the title might suggest, change is soon in sight for myself.  Although I can't say much, I have officially received a calling in the ward.  I was thinking after my beautiful talk that lasted all of 5 minutes (it was supposed to be 15) and the frequent out of town visits that followed, that a calling wasn't in the cards for me.  Oh was I wrong, and it seems as if my days of being a committee member are over.  Maybe committee members are more the single ward thing, but I definitely feel like I have received a big person calling and I am not sure how to completely react.  I know this is a good thing, especially with the possible change with James schedule in the near future, but am I old enough to hold a non-committee member calling?  As soon as I am sustained I will let you all know what my new calling is. If any of you have been reading the family blog ( you will have found out I got a kitty.  He is so funny and ke...

New Addition

So I do believe I have officially gone off the deep end.  After months (or rather days) of contemplating a new addition to the family, on Saturday, April 17th (exactly James and I's 6 month anniversary) we picked up the 4th member of our family.  Yes that is right, we now have a gray tabby kitten name Marty. I know many of you out there are officially thinking what is she thinking?  Is she completely crazy?  I do think yes I am slightly off my rocker, but a week into cat owning, I have really enjoyed Marty.  He loves to tease, but can be a true lover kitty.  Milo seems to be enjoying his new friend, but at times does get a little jealous and tries to be a lap dog, but at 53 lbs doesn't really work out for James and I. As I mentioned above.. James and I have officially made it past the 6 month mark.  Time has gone really fast and soon we will be celebrating our year mark from our first date (I do believe that was on May 12th).  Besides the anima...

James and Kelly Blog

Hey to all those who have been falling my blog religiously.. I wanted to let you know that James and I have a family blog.. So check it out..  I will still keep this updated as much as possible, but check out our new blog!

Busy Busy March

March has officially come to and end.  Although we had a great month, I am happy that for one weekend I am able to sit at home and catch up on all my recorded tv.  To give you an idea of what this month has brought, I have broken each week down. Week 1 - nothing to eventful went on, but the usual.  Work and Home. Week 2 - The weekend brought the marriage of my cousin Brittni.  I still can't believe she is married.  I am still thinking 19 is to young to be married, but they both seem really happy.  It was so nice to be up in Idaho, even despite the rain/snow that took place on the blessed day.  It was great to see family and actually have James up in Idaho with me.  Which we all know is a rare occasion on a weekend. Week 3 -  My other cousin Alexa was competing in the Idaho State Dance and Cheer.  She is on the dance team for her high school and their team made it to state.  I have to say it was so fun to go and watch her.. Eve...

First Ever (well on this blog)

Well, I am not sure what I have gotten myself into.  I officially have 3 blogs that I am managing.  I was having a hard time just managing the Kelly Is Amazing Blogspot.  Hopefully I can do all 3.  At least now 2 are updated and ready to go.  The 3rd is for the business I am hoping to start online this year.  I am still trying to decide how each blog will be formated.  Part of me is thinking that I will stop the Kelly single life blog, but it seems so much a part of me.  So maybe this will be the family blog.  All about what is going on in James and I's life and the little things... While the Kelly one will just become more me and personal.  Sort of like a journal.  I can't decide.  Its so hard to change!  Like my telephone number.. I keep thinking I don't want to let everyone know a new number, so that is why my number has been the same since I was in high school.  That is what I am feeling like with my blog.. I don'...

Nothing new, but thought I should post

I am not totally sure what I have to say. Although life has been busy, I can't really say anything is new. James and I have been doing better each day. Getting into our daily routines and enjoy the little time we do get to spend together. One day we will be able to see each other every night and weekend... I actually wonder when that day comes if we will be able to stand one another.. lol Other than work, things have been the same. I am really missing the warmer weather. These mild winters are lame. In my mind I either want it a winter wonderland with cold temperatures or spring/summer temperatures and green grass and bugs and more importantly the warmth. I have noticed daylight is sticking around longer in the evenings so that is great! That means summer is just around the corner. Milo is doing good and anymore I wonder what my nights would be like without him. He loves daycare (and so do I). I don't know how James and I lucked out with such a good dog. We do spoi...