When Did It Become Okay...

It's Saturday and I am home alone with the Marty & Milo.  I started to think about this on my way to get my chicken rice bowl I called in to Island Rumbi Grill.  When did it start for me that it was okay not to have plans on a Saturday night.  I didn't always be this way.  I remember high school and if I didn't have plans for both Friday and Saturday night, I was devastated.  Than as I came into my freshman and sophomore year of college, I think I started to look forward to the nights when I didn't have anything to do.

So when did it start?  I don't know the exact date, time or place, but as I sit here I have realized that it has been okay for awhile.  Even before marrying James, I was content to be home on a weekend night.  Now don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times it was depressing that I wasn't out and about being a social butterfly or on a date.  I sometimes would even be embarrassed to be out getting a meal for one.  I always felt like the people behind the counter were looking at me and asking themselves, 'I know why I am not out on a weekend night, but what is your excuse?'  I laugh now cause for some reason having a ring on my finger I am no longer embarrassed to be ordering a meal for one.

So as I sit here and reminisce about the past times, I am glad that I was some how prepared for these days where I would be home alone on the weekends. Well maybe not completely home alone (there is Marty & Milo), but I know the day will come where I won't be home alone.  There will come a time I will be sitting and blogging and wondering when the day would come that I can sit and relax and be home alone.


  1. An inspirational story of vulnerability and overcoming adversity
    thanks for having the courage to share

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    All the best
    for the future


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