
Sorry to all who have been checking in and I haven't been keeping up. Things have been keeping fairly busy. I have been working on finding a new place to live, decided to retake the GMAT, and doing service.

So after receiving an e-mail from USU urging me to retake the GMAT, I have decided to do so. To help me prepare for this blessed test I have actually hired a tutor for the Math section. I guess the 8+ years of not taking a math course has finally caught up with me. I need a tutor now.

I have also been searching for a place to live. It is so hard! I still don't know quite what i want to do. I have an option of living with my BFF Cerina. I am still unsure on that, but need to figure out something soon. I know for most this probably seems like nothing and not a big deal, but I guess we all have our issues and how they effect you.

To keep you all updated on my love life, it is going through a dry spell. No dates as of lately and those who could have been something, but as many of you know, the usual happens and they are gone. Even when I say its cool to be friends, I stop hearing from them. So there is the usual. Same old same old.

Last week had to be one of the best weeks. I was able to serve 2 nights during the week. I was able to clean the new draper temple (which I also have a ticket to attend the dedication). I can't say how happy and great it was to be in there. To see the inside of the temple and to serve. It raised my standards so much to want to be able to go there and do everything I need to. I was also able to clean the conference center. And I can't say that is a huge building. But it was good to see my new friend Tyson again and also to see and hang out with people from the ward and get to know a few more people.

Although things haven't been as social as I have wanted them to be, I can't say how great it has been to serve and to learn and make decisions in my life. Hopefully I can start a trend and make some additional decisions that need to be made.


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