Change is good, right?
As the title might suggest, change is soon in sight for myself. Although I can't say much, I have officially received a calling in the ward. I was thinking after my beautiful talk that lasted all of 5 minutes (it was supposed to be 15) and the frequent out of town visits that followed, that a calling wasn't in the cards for me. Oh was I wrong, and it seems as if my days of being a committee member are over. Maybe committee members are more the single ward thing, but I definitely feel like I have received a big person calling and I am not sure how to completely react. I know this is a good thing, especially with the possible change with James schedule in the near future, but am I old enough to hold a non-committee member calling? As soon as I am sustained I will let you all know what my new calling is. If any of you have been reading the family blog ( you will have found out I got a kitty. He is so funny and ke...